The story depicts the everyday life of a pair of twin brother and sister. The book comes with hanyu pinyin which makes reading easier for beginner readers. Suitable for lower primary students.
这系列图书以一对双胞胎兄妹阿呆和阿瓜为主角,讲述了他们与家人之间发生的家庭趣事,以及在校园中上演的一个个爆笑故事, 读后让人捧腹、忍俊不禁。同时,在这些发生在小人物身上的故事背后又蕴藏着寓教于乐的涵义、触动人心的真情和感动。本丛书秉承伍美珍作品的一贯风格,语言轻快俏皮,贴近小学生的日常生活;巧妙穿插网络语言和时下的热门话题,阅读起来妙趣横生,真实展现了小学生丰富多彩的家庭及校园生活。
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Book Details | |
Title | 小阿呆日记 - 游游小老师真完蛋 (Hanyu Pinyin) |
Author | 伍美珍 |
Illustrator | - |
Translated By | - |
Publisher | 浙江少年儿童出版社 |
Date Published | 1 November 2012 |
In Language | Chinese (zh-cmn) |
ISBN | 9787534270666 |
Reading Level | Ages 8 and above |
Genre | Children, Humour, General Fiction, Action and Adventure |
Total Pages | 227 |
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